This fight is going to be extra-explosive! I expect for the fighters to start off slow, but pick up in a hurry! Canelo Alvarez is a better counterpuncher of the two, but Gennady Golovkin has a better jab.
This fight is not going the distance. Both fighters like to come forward and bang with bad intentions. Canelo will need to keep the fight in the middle of the ring to have a chance to win this fight. Golovkin, on the other hand, will need to try to set traps for Canelo and back him up against the ropes.
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Both fighters are well schooled and getting better at their craft fight after fight. With that said, this is a true 50/50 fight. So, who wins? Well, Canelo definitely has a chance to win this fight if he can outbox Golovkin. We all knew Canelo is capable of doing that.
Golovkin showed a lot of holes in his game against Daniel Jacobs, but Golovkin did not really respect Jacobs heading into that fight. The only fighter Golovkin ever respected heading into a fight was hard-punching David Lemieux.
Lemieux had serious punching power and Golovkin knew it. Golovkin changed his game plan, used his jab, and systematically broke down Lemieux and stopped him. Now, Golovkin has a fighter in Canelo that he is going to respect in the ring come September 16.
I believe that Golovkin will have controlled aggression in this fight, use his great jab, systematically break down Canelo, and stop him too.
Prediction: Gennady ‘GGG’ Golovkin by 10th round TKO

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