Bernard Hopkins or Gennady Golovkin? Bernard ‘The Executioner’ to ‘The Alien’ Hopkins is one of the best middleweights of all-time. In his professional boxing career, Hopkins defended his middleweight titles a record 20 consecutive times, which shattered the previous middleweight title defense record of 14 held by Carlos Monzon.
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Gennady ‘GGG’ Golovkin is currently a middleweight destroyer who has been motoring through middleweights. In his professional boxing career, Golovkin recorded an impressive 23 consecutive knockout win streak and in 2018 he tied the great Bernard Hopkins with 20 consecutive middleweight title defenses.
Golovkin tried to break the middleweight title defense record on September 15, 2018, in his rematch with Canelo Alvarez but came up short. Alvarez was awarded the close 12th round majority decision victory to bring Golovkin’s middleweight title defense to a halt.
Gennady Golovkin will be considered an all-time great middleweight when his professional boxing career ends. The great Bernard Hopkins is already considered one of the best middleweights of all-time. How would a Bernard Hopkins vs. Gennady Golovkin middleweight fight fare if both fighters were in their professional boxing primes?
Who would win? Bernard Hopkins or Gennady Golovkin? Check out Potshot Boxing’s (PSB) latest boxing poll and vote.

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